Mary, I always look forward to your newsletter every month and seeing the new patterns you have on your web site. Your site is the best and the patterns are so cute. Happy Autumn
226x191 - From The Blue Flower comes this offering celebrating camping and the great outdoors - features the verse "I Heart The Mountain Wind Conversing With The Trees" in the center with a lodge and pine trees with camping trailers under, above are three blocks each with a different small scene - one has a bear in front of a tent, the center block as fox and chipmunk in a canoe, the last block has squirrels at a picnic table, at the very top is a beaver and porcupine roasting marshmallows over an open fire with trees surrounding; and border on each side is filled with animals, lanterns, flowers, and trees; while the top border features a starry sky with a quarter moon in the center - W, C, & D
Stitched on 40 Ct. Light Mocha Newcastle Linen
DMC used: 169, 310, 367, 413, 471, 647, 838, 504, 3012, 3051, 3346, 3865
These patterns come from overseas and if our stock is depleted, could the 4 to 6 weeks
to receive back into stock and the prices change with every shipment that is received in our country. Thank you for your patience.