154x124 - From The Blue Flower comes this offering featuring an alpaca who is keeping warm wearing a holiday sweater and scarf standing alongside to a tree decorated with hanging snowflakes, and surrounded is a border string lights; also includes a small 94x124 version with only the alpaca - coded for a variety of flosses
Both were stitched on 40 Ct .Lambswool Linen from Wichelt and trimmed with Anemone chenille and backed with Grape Jelly Osnaburg from Lady Dot Creates
DMC used: 356, 422, 501, 833, 838, 840, 927, 0022, 3051, 3364, 3861l and for the smaller version Bella Lusso Wool was used - 093, 095, and well as DMC Diamants - 3821, 225, 321
These patterns come from overseas and if our stock is depleted, could the 4 to 6 weeks
to receive back into stock and the prices change with every shipment that is received in our country. Thank you for your patience.