Item Name: When Witches Go Riding Parts 1 - 4 Complete
Miscellaneous Halloween
Tiny Modernist Inc
Item Number:
143x234 - Tiny Modernist presents this Halloween offering - features a Spooky Quote & and lots of fun Halloween motifs - at the top is a angel with crows, a spider web, witch riding on her broom, a cauldron, an th verse "Witche Go Riding &"; followed by second part and the verse "Black Cats are seen the" with a black cat, quarter moon and stars with a bat, and vines up the sides; more the the versee "Moon laughts and Whispers" with ghosts and star follows; and at the bottom is a with hat, skeletons, and the rest of the verse "'tis near Halloween" - C and/or D
Stitched on 32 Ct. Natural Light Linen from Wichelt
DMC used: B5200 (2 skeins), 580, 550, 535 (2 Skeins) and 310 (2 Skeins).
Note: If using CCT you will not need 580, 550, and 535
When Witches Go Riding Parts 1 - 4 Complete Quantity:
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