Had the pleasure to discover your store on May 9, 2009 while vacationing in your area. I could have spent hours there. If anyone ever goes to Bristol, Pa, I highly recommend you take the time and stop in to the store. Definitely worth the time.
65x65 - Tiny Modernist presents this 13 part stitch-a-long featuring a different small motif representing each of the 12 Zodiac signs which will be released every month- is a motif represents Aquarius - D
Stitched on 32 Ct. Chalkboard Linen or 16 Ct. Chalkboard Aida
DMC used for all a charts in this series: 712 (2), 739, 834 (5), 832 (2), 830, 894 893, 3836, 3835, 955, 993, 991, and 413.
We will send a the border when purchasing all 13 parts - see bottom photo