65x289 - For spring comes this bellpull from Tiny Modernist - features words and verses separated by motifs relating to the season - a birdhouse with butterflies i at the top followed by "Butterflies", next is a beehive and bee with "Love Is in the breeze" followed by an arrow pointing to the left with "Warm" under, then a cloud sprinkling rain on a row of flower with "and" alongside and "Flowers" under followed by another arrow pointing to the right, next under is "Birds Sing" with a bird and flowers, then "Spring under, at the bottom is a little sheep standing in grass next to a tree, and a matching colorful border surrounds - D
Stitched on 28 Ct. Lime Hand-dyed Jobelan
DMC used: White, 726, 729, 3608, 3607, 907, 906, 341, 340, 3746, and 413