This is my wife's favorite store. Locally owned and staffed, very friendly and helpful, and it keeps the wife supplied with the stuff she needs to keep occupied.
99x100 - Tralala presents this offering for Winter - features a woman standing in a bowl holding a basket of berries, holly and berry vines are encircling up the sides heading to a house with a pine tree on each side at the top, and under are rows of alphabet letters - D
Stitched on 36 Ct. Natural Edinburgh Linen
DMC used: White, 169, 225, 310, 413, 498, 935, 3045, 3052, 3781, and 3799
These patterns come from overseas and if our stock is depleted, could the 4 to 6 weeks
to receive back into stock and the prices change with every shipment that is received in our country. Thank you for your patience.